What do the icons next to distribution list members mean?

The icons to the left of a user's name can help determine why someone is on a distribution list.

Envelope: indicates that the user is an attorney with an appearance in the case who also has a PacerPro secondary email address added to their attorney filing account.

  • This allows PacerPro to process PDF2Go for the case
  • Attorneys are automatically added to the distribution list for cases where they appear, as long as they've completed ECF setup in that court

If you don't see any users with this envelope icon on a distribution list, this means that PacerPro has not yet received a notice of electronic filing via any attorneys at the firm.

If your firm does have an attorney appearing in the case, make sure their @ecf.pacerpro.com email address is added as a secondary recipient in the court in which they file.

The letter S: indicates that the user was associated with an attorney at the Admin level so that they are automatically copied onto distributions where the attorney has a notice of appearance.

This setting is set at the user level -- it means that the supporting user gets copied onto all cases for the attorney in every court where they're set up with PacerPro.

Green user icon: All other users who are members of the organization on a distribution list will have this icon next to them. This means they were manually added to the distribution list for the particular case.

Gray user icon: Any distribution list recipients who are not a member of the organization on PacerPro (for example, a client or co-counsel), will appear with a gray icon.