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How do I enter PACER search credentials? (Solo Users Only)

Set up your account so that you can search for cases, download documents, and schedule Docket Updates on PacerPro

PacerPro is an overlay to PACER --- so any time you ask us to do anything that interacts with PACER (like search for a case, download documents we don't have in our system, set a Docket Update schedule...), we need to log into your or your firm's PACER account to do so.

If you're at a firm, contact your firm's PacerPro admin for assistance.

If you're a solo PacerPro user, you can enter search only PACER credentials in your profile.

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Note: PacerPro only allows Case Search PACER credentials. If the credentials stored in your account are linked to your or another attorney's filing credentials, you will not be able to complete any action on PacerPro that requires us to interact with PACER.

If your organization has an enterprise PacerPro account, contact your PacerPro administrator for assistance.

PacerPro admins, please check out this article, or contact support@pacerpro.com for assistance.