Do I need to enter a client code to search?

Learn more about client codes and PACER search

If your firm requires you to enter a client/matter number to search on PACER, you will be required to enter a client code in that format to complete a search on PacerPro.

PacerPro is an overlay to PACER --- we're logging into your firm's PACER search account in the background in order to run your search.

You'll get an error message if we're unable to complete the search using this account. 

The client code should be entered in the format required by your firm --- typically a client number and a matter number separated by a dot, dash, or a slash. Some firms also require a timekeeper number or the individual's initials.

If you're not sure what your required client/matter format is, please reach out to a PacerPro admin at your firm.